So in today's post we would talk about the importance of creating an amazing CV that get the attention of recruiters. Apparently every time you’re looking for a job, you compete against 250 other candidates on average, yes, that seems harsh.
According to researchers recruiters spend only 6 seconds scanning each CV. So the very first impression is a crucial key. If you submit a neat, properly organised document, you’ll convince the recruiters to spend more time on your CV and take into account that poorly formatted CV, on the other hand, will get you discarded in the first-round review.
Simple steps to format a CV correctly:
- Contact information
- Personal Profile
- Work Experience
- Education
- Skills
- Additional Sections
Tip: If you don't have work experience or you've graduated from a prestigious institution within the last 5 years, put your education section above your work experience
While you are writing your cv remember some basic formatting rules:
- Choose legible fonts (usual picks are sans-serif fonts, times new roman or bookman old style)
- Be consistent with your CV design
- Consider the importance of white spaces
- Add a good photo of yourself on your cv (use one according to a job seeking)
- Make your CV brief and relevant
Write me in the comments and tell me what is your opinion about this post and if you liked this post don't forget to subscribe to this blog to receive all the news!
Before saying goodbye, I invite you to see my portfolio and here you will find some of my designs and freebies and if you need something more personalized don't forget to write me. And if you need it, I can create a great personalised and unique cv according to your needs.
Have a great day!